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get to know our team

Our success would not be possible if it was not for the individuals that build our team. 

At e3 we take the time to get to know each one of our consultants outside the office walls.

We have some pretty amazing people and wanted to share it with you! 

This quarter, get to know Gabriela, Gabriel, and Joanna!

Gabriela Santos, Analyst 

Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, MS in Computer Science   

Joined e3 on January 2017

Favorite T.V show? - Grey's Anatomy 

Go to karaoke song? -Basta ya, Olga Tañon

If you had a superpower, what would it be? - Read minds

Chore you absolutely hate doing? - Folding and hanging clothes 

Do you play any instrument? - Piano

Best concert you ever attended ? - Andrea Bocelli

Food combination you want to ban? - Pasteles with ketchup or arroz with ketchup

Country you would like to visit? - Turkey

What would you do if you won the lottery? - Travel the world

City you would most like to live in? - Madrid

“Es mejor un mal día de playa que un buen día de trabajo” 

Gabriel Lopez, Analyst

University of Dayton, Degree in Entrepreneurship and International Business

Joined e3 on August 2017

Celebrity you would have coffee with? -  Robert Downey Jr.

What's your hidden talent? - Martial Arts  

Country you would like to visit? - Dubai

Best vacation? - Punta Cana, Cap Cana 

Favorite sports team-Real Madrid 

City you would like to live in? - Miami

Favorite dessert? - Cheesecake

Fictional place you would like to go? - Narnia

Favorite movie? - Inception

Currently watching on Netflix ? - Marco Polo 

Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”- Warren Buffet

Joanna Gonzalez, Analyst 

Boston University Questrom School of Business, Degree in Marketing

Joined e3 on March 2019

Country you would like to visit? - Greece

Favorite sports team? - New England Patriots

Fictional place you would like to go?  -Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Favorite movie? - All Star Wars films 

Hobby you would get into if time and money were not an issue?- Painting 

Favorite board-game - Connect Four

Superpower? -  Time travel

Go to karaoke song?-​ Somebody to love by Queen 

Celebrity crush? -Noah Centineo

Talent you wish you had? Be able to do stand-up comedy 

"Never let fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game."- Babe Ruth

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